Organized Retail Crime
We have an abundance of experience in this field from our members formerly in law enforcement and the corporate world. If you are having stores that are suffering heavy losses, we offer surveillance and video to follow the groups to see where the goods are going. We will track the stolen goods to storage sites, warehouses, stores, flea markets or wherever the goods are going and work with law enforcement on the recovery. We are not "cowboys" and will not apprehend or cause actions that would cause embarrassment or liability issues to our clients.
We will work with our client's needs as we know that once the products go out the door there are limitations that retail loss professionals have from that point on. If the needs of the client are for immediate recovery, we will work with our contacts in local law enforcement to meet that goal. If the goal of the client is to bring down Organized Booster Rings, we will work with all levels of law enforcement to track and support law enforcement in dismantling those booster rings.
We have many years of experience in this field and have developed Confidential Informants and Sources to provide information regarding these groups. Ken Golec was designated an expert witness on these Organized Retail Crime groups by the District Attorney's office of a large metro county in the Atlanta area.